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Writer's pictureZigresa

Unmasking the Illusion: Navigating Trust and Deception in Relationships

Surprise! yes, sometimes we are fooled by individuals who we considered either a friend or kin. This is the point where we need to stop, think and evaluate those around us.  Those we think we can trust, those that we think want the best for us and are always sincere.   They present themselves as your “friend” or the kin that genuinely loves you.  But beware, be on guard and know when to step away and go the other direction.   They will slowly entangle you in their web of lies, their pretend world, their believe of grandeur.

Their self-esteem is fragile but masked by their sense of entitlement and superiority. 

No matter how much you think you may be able to help someone change, it all boils down to one simple phrase, if an individual does not want to change no matter how much you try to advise or help, they won’t.   It must be something they want seriously.  It must be a decision of admitting the inner challenges, the mistakes, the disappointments, failures they have encountered in life and knowing they can overcome this adversity. 

Sometimes, the lack of confidence is so deep they can’t even realize it.  They mask this insecurity with insincere smiles and words of optimism that they themselves don’t even believe! Yet, in their own delusion, they convince themselves that we believe what they are saying or what they are doing.

Run your own race, drift away from individuals with negative hidden energies that can and will fool you in believing they are genuine.  After being tricked once, one should learn from one's mistakes.

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